Our Community

NorthWest Food Pantry

NorthWest Food Pantry serves hundreds of people each month, assisting individuals and families with basic food necessities.

If you need food assistance, come to our Food Pantry during our operating hours:

Sundays 5:00 - 6:00pm,
Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00pm

We strive very hard to provide our clients with a well-balanced variety of canned food, staples, frozen food, baked goods, and occasionally fresh produce. You can return every 30 days. If you need directions to our church, call the church office on weekdays at 210-688-3002. (For additional assistance go to https://www.211texas.org.)


Right now, our Pantry Needs:
  • Canned Vegetables -- really! and Lots!!
Place items downstairs, across from the elevator on the tables outside of the Food Pantry area. Monetary donations accepted at the church office or in our regularly Sunday contribution.

Volunteers are always needed to help load/unload food shipments, to help organize the product, and to help distribute food to our clients. Main food pickup is first Wednesday of the month. Bread route deliveries on Wednesday and Friday mornings.

Contact our church office for more info and to volunteer.

Christian Village Senior Adults Ministry

The Christian Village Senior Adult Ministry focuses on golden agers who live in the Christian Village Apartments, a retirement facility for seniors.

Several months of the year, NorthWest Church of Christ is responsible for a devotional each Sunday evening at the Christian Village facility for residents who are unable to make it to regular worship services at a church.

We typically gather in the facility community center and conduct a devotional consisting of prayer, songs, a brief lesson, and communion. We normally begin the service at 5:00 and conclude in time for those who wish to return to the church building for evening services.

We are always in need of volunteers to facilitate these activities.

How can I serve in the Christian Village Ministry:
  • Attend the devotional at Christian Village Apartments on our scheduled Sunday evening
  • Lead prayer
  • Lead singing
  • Serve communion
  • Present a short devotional lesson
For additional information or to participate, please contact our church office.

Hope Lives Ministry

We seek to assist those with the life Issues and challenges of recovery through support of the recovery community, developing Christ-centered relationships, and healthy social interaction.

Our plan by God's Grace and Guidance, is to accomplish our goal by:
  • Identifying and developing partnerships with effective recovery programs
  • Providing services to those programs, such as: Spiritual Mentoring, Bible Classes, Social Skills classes, Client Referrals
  • Assisting with Recovery Programs' Client Needs, such as: Physical Needs, Transportation Needs, and making NorthWest facilities available for their organizations' meetings
  • Encouraging a church atmosphere of genuine loving acceptance and welcome
  • Coordinating trained, skilled, and qualified volunteers with appropriate boundaries
  • Organizing recovery-friendly church classes, assemblies, and social activities
If you would like to be a part of this rewarding service, please consider volunteering as:
  • Prayer Warriors
  • Encouragement Card Writers
  • Van Riders
  • Van Drivers
For additional information or to participate, please contact our church office.