Women In God's Service (WINGS)

The WINGS ministry at the Northwest Church of Christ is connecting and growing women and their faith through service, fellowship, prayer, and study of God's Word.

We hope you can find a ministry where you can use your individual talents and gifts to help others and to get to know other women in the congregation. Please join us by participating in the many spiritual and fellowship activities throughout the year in WINGS. If you are interested in serving or would like to know more about WINGS, please contact the church office at 210.688.3002 or Contact WINGS at office@nwchurch.us.

If you would like to submit a prayer request to the WINGS Prayer Ministry. email wingsprayerministry@nwchurch.us.

Wings Coordinator — Kathy Moran
Here are some of the WINGS activities that you might want to learn more about and become involved at the NorthWest Church of Christ.

Ladies' Education Classes
  • Attend Ladies' Bible Class
  • Teach Ladies' Bible Class
  • Plan or help plan events for Ladies' Bible Class
  • Plan or help plan the curriculum for Ladies' Bible Class
Prayer Requests
  • Receive emails from the WINGS prayer ministry and pray for those requesting prayers
  • Submit prayers for yourself or others who request prayers
  • Help send out prayer requests to those on the prayer ministry email list
Wedding and Baby Showers
  • Assist with wedding and baby showers by serving on a shower team
  • Lead and plan a shower
Special Events
  • Help with the scheduling and planning of the special events for the women of NorthWest Church of Christ and guests (Activities might include retreats (weekends and one day events), brunches/luncheons, game nights, outings, attending conferences, etc.)
  • Help find resources for the events (locations, food, gifts, etc.)
  • Help with the organization of and activities during the special event
  • Assist in promoting events and encouraging participation in the events
  • Lead the scheduling and planning of a special event
  • Help with seasonal decorations in and around the building
  • Assist with building modifications and improvements
Special Projects
  • Assist with one-time projects as needed (projects might include cleaning a closet, helping with seasonal or class study displays, etc.)
  • Plan one-time projects as needed
Kitchen and Pantry Service
  • Help organize and maintain the pantry
  • Help organize and maintain the kitchen
  • Serve in the kitchen during events
  • Inventory needs and replace items in the kitchen