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Parent Resource

Mon, Jan 25th at 8:00

January 25th-31st

Jesus' Hard Teachings
John 6

Story Point: Many people misunderstood Jesus' teaching.

Big Picture Question: How does God care for His creation? God loves and rules over His creation according to His perfect plan.

Christ Connection: Jesus wanted to do more than fill people's stomachs; He wanted to give them true life. Jesus' teachings were hard to understand. When Jesus talked about His flesh and blood, He was talking about His death and resurrection. When we trust in Jesus, He gives us the gift of eternal life.

Key Passage:
Colossians 1:13-14

Babies and Toddlers
○ People wanted Jesus to give them bread from heaven.
○ Jesus said He is the bread of life.
○ Anyone who believes in Jesus will have life forever.
○ Jesus' words tell us how to have life with Him forever.
○ Jesus is our King.
○ Many people did not understand Jesus' teaching.
○ How does God care for His creation? God loves and rules over all He made.
○ Many people misunderstood Jesus' teaching.
○ How does God care for His creation? God loves and rules over His creation according to His perfect plan.